jueves, 14 de enero de 2016


January 14, 2016. 
Rodrigo Nuñez


Recently, I've been watching the intriguing TV serie "Vikings". I found it very interesting because it is based on the real history of Vikings. Throughout every episode the main character Ragnar Lothbrok seeks to improve in every aspect of his life and generously help his fellows. The plot emphasizes the voyages of the heathens to England, a slightly more civilized country. I' ve been enjoying this show a lot because of the relation between the sudden change of culture of the invaded civilizations and what I'm living today. Certainly, is not easy when you choose to leave home and start a new life in another state or country, but I can't imagine how it would be if someone impose that to me. The abrupt invasions of Vikings certainly are a direct factor in the spreading of English language, I hope that this course will help me to complement what I'm learning watching "Vikings". 

1 comentario:

  1. Very appropriate now to watch this series. You can even refer to this in the assignment about the English Language (Hastings etc).
